The isolated masks
Since 2016, within the events of the Carnival of Acireale, the Foundation has opened its doors to an additional and significant parade/competition, complementing the papier-mâché floats and flower-decorated floats. This new addition features the so-called isolated masks as its protagonists. The competition, highly appreciated by the city, has been considered, from its inaugural edition, the driving force behind all carnival representations. It provides a platform for very young talents, still in the early stages of their development, who, through field experience, will become the future stars of the major parades. In this case as well, the themes covered range from political satire to the most prominent current events.
Concrete examples of the growth of this competition are evident, with the number of participants in the isolated mask competition increasing from 5 in 2016 to 8 in 2017 and 11 in 2018. The winners of the past two editions have been recognized and invited to other carnival events in the Sicilian region, and some even took part in the 2018 papier-mâché float parade in the B category. The skill and mastery of the young float builders have been applauded and encouraged by everyone, especially by the jury of the previous carnival editions. They have recognized in these young artists a fundamental piece for the bright future of the Carnival of Acireale.