The allegorical floats

Ass. Cult. Persichino - Messina   (Cat. A)


Nowadays, medias keep stressing us with warning news, to the point that there are dedicated social media apps, plenty of notifications on our phones, even public decrees.
That’s what we got inspiration from.
The construction project by the „Cantiere Persichino-Messina“ Association presents the „Weather Alert“ float, dealing with the theme of the sudden climate change that is affecting our planet day after day.
In the front, you can find a big masked face representing the wind, which changes seasons to their liking. Behind them, anticyclones rampaging through our planet. There are also two big compasses as a symbol of the lost season cycle.
The central piece is a giant female character, representing winter. In the back of the float, there is a sun, which is to be seen as our wish for good weather and climate peace, also represented by a rainbow.